Category sermon

Being pleased with Allah (God)

This week we start with ayat 62-64 of Sura Yunus: Unquestionably, for the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will       they grieve. Those who believed and were fearing Allah. For them are good tidings in…

April Fools Day

Islam is not a harsh religion. Nor it is a humourless religion. Our Prophet SAWS is reported to have joked with the companions whilst still teaching us a lesson on the lines one must not cross in humour. This week…

Efforts in establishing a Masjid

Allah SWT said in sura Al-Tawbah, ayat 18: The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for…

Trials and Tribulations in Islam

Allah SWT says in the opening ayats of Sura Ankabut: Do the people think that they will be left to say “we believe” and they will not be tried? But we have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will…

Oaths and Protecting one’s tongue

The topic starts with talking of oaths and so this is best started with an understanding of what it means by an Oath. An oath is a vow or a promise to do something. As Muslims, this is something that…

Divisions within our Ummah

One of the questions that is on the lips of those watching the news these days is about the different sects of Muslims. It is clear to most of us that there are groups in Islam. We have the common…

How we deal with Masjids (Mosques)

Islam has made the masjid the heartbeat of the Muslim society. It is the hangout of Muslims where they meet one another daily, not only to perform the obligatory prayers but also for other acts of worship and activities that…

Asking for Guidance

Dear brothers, good guidance is the greatest gift that we can receive from Allah SWT. It is something that we cannot do without. To be guided by Allah SWT to worship him and to follow the path of our beloved…