Trials and Tribulations in Islam

Allah SWT says in the opening ayats of Sura Ankabut:

Do the people think that they will be left to say “we believe” and they will not be tried? But we have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and he will surely make evident the liars.

Dear brothers, in this life we have issues that affect us all. We have problems that we have to deal with, either as an individual in our personal lives or as a community or Ummah, problems that affect every Muslim alive today.

When faced with such scenarios, it’s very easy to get caught up in the moment. These problems cause us difficulty and they seem to be overpowering at the time and begin to play on us.

Some can fall into the trap of thinking that there is no light at the end of the tunnel or that their problems are too severe or that their issues cannot be resolved.

This can then lead to a range of issues If not addressed through an Islamic framework of thinking, they can lead to depression, anxiety, fear, and a weakness in imaan.

So, what is this framework of thinking that we need to establish in order to avoid falling into this trap.

The first is the pondering and understanding of the opening ayat to this khutba. This opening ayat is explaining to us that we will be tested as life is about a great test. This is a hard thing to remember when people around us are not thinking this way.

More and more in this life and this society, we are faced with the underlying tone of those who are only living for this life.

Materialism is one of the biggest illnesses of our time. And when asked this question of what it means to be materialistic, the common answer is to talk of cars, houses and money.

But materialism is a wider problem then goods that we can purchase. The materialism that needs to be addressed is one of our faith.

Dear brothers, as Muslims we need to be aware that this materialism can span also to our perception of Islam.

This life is a test and to focus on making this life better for ourselves, our community and our Ummah is a great thought to have but it should not be the priority in our thinking.

Instead, as Muslims we must understand that Allah SWT tells us in the Quran that our living is not for this world. The materialism that is shown by those around us who don’t believe in His word is not a mode of thinking we should adopt.

Our living is for the next life. Our mode of operation should be for the next life. With hardship comes ease and that ease, for those of us who operate correctly in this life, will be everlasting in the next life. Only Allah SWT can change what is happening in this world and we need to accept that and focus on the next.

That first ayat explains to us that we should expect to face challenges in our personal lives and as a community. The ayat is explicit in stating that the declaration of belief is not enough for us as Allah SWT poses a question to us and then addresses it by reminding us of the tests that previous nations went through.

And Allah has said in Sura Al-Imran:

O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims.

Dear brothers, this ayat is poignant if we ponder as Allah SWT is talking about the end of our test. When the exam is about to come to an end and all the hard work has been done, He reminds us to die as those who submitted their will to Him. Those who believed, accepted and coped in His will, His decree, His plan and His test for us.

None of know when that test is coming to an end. It will come at different times for us all. But we need to be mindful of the fact that it will come one day and we need to be ready for it in our minds and in our hearts.

So how do we practically apply this to our test? What is it that is needed practically to achieve the peace in our hearts and belief in our Lord?

This khutba ends with 2 things we can all begin to do today to achieve this:

  1. Increase in your supplication and remembrance of your Creator. This can range from starting every day tasks with Bismillah to duas from the heart when in sujood or after salat.
  2. Understand that the primary dunya or material connection we have to Allah SWT is the Quran. Take a few minutes a day to ponder of an Ayat of the Quran. Ayat means sign and there is a sign in each and every ayat revealed so begin the journey. And our website has resources to help you begin whatever level you are at so start today.

May Allah SWT give us ease in our trials. May Allah SWT enable us to cope with our trials and may Allah SWT reward us for coping with our trials

Ameen wal hamdullilahi rabilalameen.

Articles: 363

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