Category sermon


My dear brothers, the month of Ramadhan is upon us. This sacred month in which the Prophet (SAWS) used to give glad tidings. This month has the potential to carry so much weight for us into the next life. An…

Make use of Travelling time

Dear brothers, we carry on from last weeks khutba about direction of the Qibla to the actual act of travelling. By travelling, this is not only long travels such as holiday destinations or family visits but travels such as daily…

Direction of Prayer (Qibla)

As muslims, we are united in that wherever we are in the world we aim to offer our prayers facing the same point on Earth. The Qibla, which is Arabic for direction, is the direction that should be faced when…

Etiquettes of Friday Prayer

llah SWT said in the Glorious Quran in Sura Al-Jummah, ayat 9: O you who believe, When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the day of assembly), hasten earnestly to the rememberance of Allah, and leave off business…

The Holy month of Shabaan

ast week’s khutba we discussed the current month of Rajab and we follow on with this week’s topic being of the month of Sha’baan. Sha’baan is a month that is between two special months in Islam. We have the sacred…

Innovations in the Holy month of Rajab

Dear brothers, last week we spoke of the sacred months in Islam and of those the month of Rajab is the topic of this week’s khutba. More specifically, this khutba is aimed to address quite a serious, and often controversial…

Sacred Months in Islam

The Islamic calendar is based upon the year our beloved Prophet Muhammed SWS and his companions emigrated to the city of Medina from their home town of Mecca. This took place in 622 according to the western calendar and so…

A Muslims Journey towards Islam

The greatest blessing that Allah SWT can bestow upon us is that of faith or Imaan. However, as we are all only too aware, Imaan is not a constant with us throughout life. Imaan is of levels. It is of…


he topic of death is one which often finds the audience uncomfortable in listening to it. Nobody likes to think of death because as well as their own mortality, they often think of loved ones that have passed away in…

Gratitude to Allah’s blessings

We can never count all of Allah SWT’s blessings. There are those which we are acutely aware of in life such as our wealth, health, status and intellectual abilities in life. We are able to recognize these quite often. Then…