A Muslims Journey towards Islam
The greatest blessing that Allah SWT can bestow upon us is that of faith or Imaan. However, as we are all only too aware, Imaan is not a constant with us throughout life. Imaan is of levels. It is of…
The greatest blessing that Allah SWT can bestow upon us is that of faith or Imaan. However, as we are all only too aware, Imaan is not a constant with us throughout life. Imaan is of levels. It is of…
he topic of death is one which often finds the audience uncomfortable in listening to it. Nobody likes to think of death because as well as their own mortality, they often think of loved ones that have passed away in…
We can never count all of Allah SWT’s blessings. There are those which we are acutely aware of in life such as our wealth, health, status and intellectual abilities in life. We are able to recognize these quite often. Then…
According to Christians, we are in a festive season now with today being called Good Friday and this weekend being the celebration of Easter Sunday. There are many muslims around the world that are taking part in these festivities. They…
It’s hard, living away from a man we love so much. It’s hard, not being able to see his blessed face ourselves, or smell the sweet smell that he was famous for emitting. It is hard not having witnessed the…
Islam’s emphasis on nobility, ethics and morality can impress any open-minded person who has an objective and unbiased approach. Teaching of morals in Islam has a dual purpose. On the one hand it compels to practice virtues and on the…
Tawheed briefly described is the Oneness of Allah SWT in Divinity, in Worship, in His Names and Attributes. Belief in the Oneness of Allah SWT is the focal point around which the religion of Islam revolves. Submission to Allah SWT…
Our religion or deen is complete in every aspect of life and Allah swt created humans in the perfect shape and form. Allah swt knows what the human needs and has sent us guidelines to help us to achieve happiness…
As a Muslim, Imaan or Faith can be broken down into two constituent parts. Firstly, having Imaan is to be thankful and grateful to Allah SWT for the blessings you have been bestowed with in life. Secondly, to…
It is a common fact of existence that each and every living being has but one ultimate goal. That goal is to find happiness. It is to feel fulfilled in life, it is to feel peace and tranquility, it is…