Tag christmas

Avoiding the Celebrations of Non-Muslims

The imam began by referencing the 140th ayat of Sura An-Nisa which is translated to say: He has already revealed to you in the Book that when you hear Allah’s revelations being denied or ridiculed, then do not sit in that…


The imam began by referencing the 19th ayat of Sura Imran which is translated to say: Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam Dear brothers and sisters, it is clarified by Allah SWT in the Glorious Quran…

Defending our identity

These days we all know that the Muslim is portrayed by media as being someone intolerant, someone wanting to change the make-up of society and someone who is a threat to the status-quo. So much is spoken of a tolerant…

Christmas, tolerance and mutual respect

Many Muslims fully endorse and engross themselves in celebrating non-Muslim religious holidays, such as Christmas. They also celebrate New Years Day whilst not even knowing the Islamic new year. In fact some have transferred this behaviour to Islamic nations, but…

Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ)

No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus or Prophet Isa, peace be upon him. However, growing up in these lands, it is important though that the Islamic viewpoint is highlighted on the Prophet Isa (peace…