Hope and Optimism

Each and every one of us has dealt with, and experienced, difficult times at some point or another.

Whether it is facing challenges relating to work, study, health or relationships, we are all expected at some time to face adversity and trials.

However, as Muslims we are blessed with the knowledge that every hardship will be compensated, even the pricking of one’s finger with a thorn, provided we bear it with patience.

Being patient and steadfast in times of hardship requires faith in Allah SWT and His decree and we should understand that we may be tested with various calamities.

It is perfectly normal at times to feel sadness in these situations and wonder why Allah SWT allowed us to go through these calamities.

Allah SWT reminds us in the Quran that this life is one of a test and that the manner in which we deal with the test determines our forever in the hereafter.

The Prophet SAWS was a practical example of this and there are many hadiths that demonstrate his optimistic nature. In fact, Allah SWT mentions that the Prophet SAWS himself is a sign of optimism and hope in Sura Saba’a, ayat 34:

And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner. But most of the people do not know.

Dear brothers and sisters, if we reflect, we are being told that the test may appear difficult at times but the reward is immense.

And alongside the rewards from Allah SWT, we ought to remind ourselves in the wisdom of his trials. Some can educate us, build our character and help us develop patience, humility and strength.

S how does one do this though practically? Well, as with all things relating to our lives, we can take lessons from the Glorious Quran, such is its miraculous nature and blessing for us all.

In regards to this topic, the Quran reminds us that whilst we may be going through trials and tribulations, the Prophets of Allah SWT were put through tests that we would struggle with.

There are accounts in the Quran of Prophets who were afflicted with severe poverty, ailments, animosity and hatred. These are all challenges we may face in our everyday lives.

Dear brothers and sisters, it is only human nature to fall into the habit of focusing on our trials. They say that the human counts his blessings on his fingers and toes but his trials are counted using a calculator.

However, the Quran tells us how we can overcome these trials and their effect on our mind set through optimism and patience.

So what does this mean practically? What follows then to conclude are 5 reasons for a Muslim to stay positive.

  1. Allah SWT promises to make a way out. With hardship comes ease. This is told to us by Allah SWT and as Muslims we must believe it and reiterate it to ourselves when times get tough.
  2. A Muslim’s reaction to every situation is gratitude. Since we know that our life tests result in afterlife rewards, both good times and bad times should be met with an Alhamdullilah.
  3. Spread good news. Good news is so underrated but it can make all the difference. Use your networking to good effect by spreading good news or good reminders. Our FB page attempts to do that so join us if you haven’t done so already.
  4. An Optimist is an achiever. Remember that a pessimistic person sees the difficulty in every opportunity whereas an optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty. Focus on solutions, not problems. Look for opportunities, not excuses. Remember that a results-driven, positive attitude is the mark of an achiever in this life and the next.
  5. Allah SWT offers us a futuristic vision. Throughout the Quran, Allah SWT reminds us of the temporary nature of this life and that the real goal should be fixed on the next life through sound belief and actions. Therefore with the real success being in the hereafter, regardless of your situation today, remind yourself it won’t last long.

Allah SWT tell us to focus on the bigger picture, that compared to an eternity in the hereafter, this life is merely a comparative blink of an eye and that we should draw strength from that fact when we are faced with hard times.

Dear brothers and sisters, nobody is claiming that life is easy. It is a test and we must accept that. However, with the knowledge of what this test is, how it is being played out and the rewards of passing the test, we should take strength from that knowledge and use it to drive feelings of optimism and positivity.

May Allah SWT enable us to remain positive. May Allah SWT inspire us to spread optimism and may Allah SWT reward us for our efforts in positivity and optimism.

Ameen wal hamdullilahi rabilalameen.

Articles: 363

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