Tag worship

Patience and Perseverance in Worship

Dear brothers and sisters, the vityue of patience is one of the best gifts we have received from Allah SWT. The prophet SAWS said: And whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better…

Excellence (Ihsan) in Worship

Dear brothers and sisters, our religion, our life is composed of three parts. In order to understand the meaning of the word ihsan, it is important to understand this concept first. The first of the three parts of our religion…

Oneness of Allah SWT

Dear brothers and sisters, we have discussed this topic before and the oneness of Allah SWT is a foundation of our belief. However, in today’s reminder, the topic is expanded further into three sections. The first is how the Oneness…

Make use of Travelling time

Dear brothers, we carry on from last weeks khutba about direction of the Qibla to the actual act of travelling. By travelling, this is not only long travels such as holiday destinations or family visits but travels such as daily…

Turning Holidays into Worship

Our religion or deen is complete in every aspect of life and Allah swt created humans in the perfect shape and form. Allah swt knows what the human needs and has sent us guidelines to help us to achieve happiness…