Tag trust

Establishing Trust and keeping Promises

Allah SWT has described those who are trustworthy and keep their promises in the Glorious Quran. In today’s reminder the imam referenced some of these ayats and one of those is the 27th ayat of Sura Al-Anfal which is translated…

Description of a Hypocrite

Hypocrisy is a serious sickness and a great crime. It means making an outward display of Islam whilst inwardly concealing kufr. Hypocrisy is more dangerous than kufr (disbelief) and the punishment for it is more severe, because it is kufr…

Unjust and Ignorant Nature of Man

Allah SWT has revealed to us the religion of Islam. And we have record of it through the Final Testament – Al Quran and through it’s practical application, i.e. the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed SAWS. Our success and failure is…

Trust placed in us by Allah (God)

Allah SWT says in Sura Al-Ahzab, ayat 72: Truly, We did offer “Al Amanah” (which translates to the trust or moral responsibility or honesty and all the duties which Allah has ordained) to the heavens and the earth, and the…