Category sermon

Hastening to forgiveness from Allah

Dear brothers, in the upcoming week we are entering the month of Dhul-Hijjah. This is the month in which the Hajj is performed by millions of Muslims all over the world and followed by Eid. It is also the month…

Remembrance of Allah

All praise is due to Allah (SWT). Peace and blessings upon our beloved prophet (SAWS) his family and his companions. Today’s khutba is about the rememberance of Allah SWT Dear brothers, as Muslims our aim in life is quite simple.…

Asking for help from Allah

Dear brothers, it is natural for mankind to want to get what benefits him or her. Whether it is in worldly matters or matters relating to the hereafter, we are all striving to attain more from our existence. We also…

Dangers of the Spoken Word

Dear brothers, among Allah SWT blessing upon man is that he has made man into a thoughtful and sane being and has created a tongue for him to communicate with others. He has made him able to utter the sounds…

Manners of Entering the Mosque

Dear brothers, besides the month of Ramadhan and the night prayers that come with it, the largest gathering we find consistently in a month at a masjid is on the blessed day of Jumma or Friday as we know it.…

Steadfastness of Obedience

Dear brothers, with Ramadhan over now we are embarking on another 11 months of striving and struggling until the blessed month approaches us once again. For those of us who reflect back on the month gone, we often are self-critical…

Final 10 days in Ramadan

My dear brothers, we are now at the pinnacle of the blessed month of Ramadhan. We have reached the final 10 days and nights of this month, of which one of the nights is that which we have discussed in…

Charity in Islam

The religion of Islam is a religion of mercy. It is the religion of helping others for the sake of Allah SWT. It is about helping the poor and helping the needy. Giving charity is one of the pillars of…

Ramadan and reciting the Quran

Dear brothers, we carry on the topic of Ramadhan in this week’s khutba and of course, this is a topic that we can span across many Friday’s. But specifically this week the focus is on the blessing of this month…