Category sermon

Dealing with Tests

The imam began today’s reminder with the second and third ayat from Sura Al-Insan which is translated to say: Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture1 that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing. Indeed, We…

The Test of The Grave

Following on from last week’s reminder, we are reminded this week of the test of the grave. Both in the Quran and in the teachings of the Prophet SAWS, we are reminded of the test of the grave. And make…


Dear brothers, death is the only certainty of this life. But many people refuse to acknowledge death or they are saddened by the prospect of it. Allah SWT speaks of death in ayat 185 of Sura Al-Imran. It is translated…

Reason for sending messengers

Dear brothers, we start this weeks reminder with the 165 ayat of Sura An-Nisa which is translated to say: ˹All were˺ messengers delivering good news and warnings so humanity should have no excuse before Allah after ˹the coming of˺ the…

Improving Relationships

The imam began the reminder today with the first ayat of Sura Al-Anfal, it’s translated to say: They ask you ˹O Prophet˺ regarding the spoils of war. Say, “Their distribution is decided by Allah and His Messenger. So be mindful…

Relations with one’s brother

It is now more important than ever to keep ties with one another. Doctors are advising us that it is damaging for our mental health to be isolated from the world and so we should make an effort, within the…


Nobody can deny that this year hasn’t been a year of worry. Coronavirus has been a global event that has affected the lives of each and every one of us. It is normal to feel some worry or anxiety at…

Bad Companions

Companions can have different levels of positive or negative influence, but the common factors of being considered a bad companion is being distant from Allah SWT. How do we know this? Their actions testify to this. Ask yourself, are your…


Dear brothers, the need of a united ummah has always been a necessity, from the advent of Islam to the present day. Allah SWT advises us of this in the Quran and the imam referenced this in today’s reminder through…