Tag Zakat


Our khutba today is about a financial act of worship which protects the soul from its greed and purifies it from stinginess. It is about Zakat. The imam speaks of the following hadith in which the prophet SAWS said: “Islam…

Zakat – The obligatory charity

Our khutba today is about a financial act of worship which protects the soul from its greed and purifies it from stinginess. It is about Zakat. The imam speaks of the following hadith in which the prophet SAWS said: “Islam…

Charity of Eid-ul-fitr

Allah SWT says in the Glorious Quran:   The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.   So whoever sights [the new moon of]…

Charity in Islam

The religion of Islam is a religion of mercy. It is the religion of helping others for the sake of Allah SWT. It is about helping the poor and helping the needy. Giving charity is one of the pillars of…