Tag parents

Youth in Islam

The book of Allah SWT is a book of guidance. It is not merely a book for someone for a particular stage in their life but in actual fact, lessons and guidance for anyone at any stage of their lives.…

Rights of Children on their Parents

Allah SWT has given children rights over their parents just as the parents have rights over their children.  In the past reminders have been on the rights of parents but with a bigger than average attendance of the youth today,…

Rights of the Parents

  The imam reminded us of the 23rd ayat of Sura Al-Isra which is translated to say: And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach…

Maintaining bonds with relatives

This week’s khutba was on maintaining relationships or bonds with relatives Maintaining relationships with relatives increases connection and love between family, and removes hatred and jealousy from each other, and allows for relatives to care for each other and to look…