Tag fasting

Benefits of Fasting

Dear brothers we carry on from last week’s reminder on Fasting. As mentioned last week the 183rd ayat of Sura Baqara mentions fasting. This is translated to say: “Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before…


Dear brothers we are fast approaching the best time of the year, the month of Ramadan is nearly here and this year many can say that they have missed the blessing of this month more than ever before. The imam…

Charity of Eid-ul-fitr

Allah SWT says in the Glorious Quran:   The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.   So whoever sights [the new moon of]…

Ramadan Tips

Allah SWT says in Sura Al-Baqara, ayat 183:   O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous   Dear brothers and sisters, the month of…


My dear brothers and sisters, the month of Ramadhan is upon us. This month has the potential to carry so much weight for us into the next life. Repeatedly, Allah SWT talks of repentance in the Quran and one example…

Mid Shaban

As we all know from a previous khutba, this is a month that we should not overlook. We are now in the month of Sha’ban and the month carries a lot of blessing in many different ways. However, there is…

The month of Shaban

With the month of Ramadhan approaching fast, it is easy to focus on this month as it comes with the usual levels of excitement. However, often we overlook the month preceding it and that is the month of Sha’ban. Sha’ban…


My dear brothers, the month of Ramadhan is upon us. This sacred month in which the Prophet (SAWS) used to give glad tidings. This month has the potential to carry so much weight for us into the next life. An…