Tag Dhul-Hijjah

The blessed month of Dhul-Hijjah

Dear brothers, there are many blessings that are bestowed on us by Allah SWT throughout the year. And one of these is beginning this coming week with the beginning of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. This is a blessed month in…

Dhul Hijjah

Dear brothers and sisters, it is with Allah SWT’s blessings that all of our days are not the same, and that there are many blessed days and times that we can worship with added rewards, or increase in status, or…


All praise is due to Allah (SWT). Peace and blessings upon our beloved prophet (SAWS) his family and his companions. Dear brothers and sisters, life is a balance between working for this world and living your life and working for…

Hastening to forgiveness from Allah

Dear brothers, in the upcoming week we are entering the month of Dhul-Hijjah. This is the month in which the Hajj is performed by millions of Muslims all over the world and followed by Eid. It is also the month…

Sacred Months in Islam

The Islamic calendar is based upon the year our beloved Prophet Muhammed SWS and his companions emigrated to the city of Medina from their home town of Mecca. This took place in 622 according to the western calendar and so…