Category sermon


Allah SWT created this religion for humanity to reform two dimensions; first one the relation of the individual with Allah SWT in order to become true slaves of him SWT, and the second one is the relation between humans themselves…

Intention and Sincerity

This weeks khutba is on intention and sincerity. Dear brothers and sisters, there are scholars that state that the entire religion revolves around intention. Allah SWT makes reference to intention and the nature of this life in Surat Albayinah ,…

Awareness of Allah SWT

Dear brothers and sisters, the khutba this week is on being aware of Allah SWT. This is something that we can easily say, after all we are all here today and we are performing an important commandment of Allah SWT…

The rights of Muslims on each other

The rights of Muslims on each other are many. It is what makes us a blessed nation. However, there are varying levels to these rights. Some of them are obligatory on each person, and if was not acted upon then…

Maintaining bonds with relatives

This week’s khutba was on maintaining relationships or bonds with relatives Maintaining relationships with relatives increases connection and love between family, and removes hatred and jealousy from each other, and allows for relatives to care for each other and to look…

The Act of being Unjust

Our religion is a belief, worship and way of life. It is also etiquette, manners, dealings with others. Such is the perfection of Islam, if everyone lived the lives and manners of Islam then they would live in tranquillity and peace.…

Sacred months in Islam

The Prophet Muhammed SAWS spoke of the Sacred months in Islam. The following hadith is translated as: “Verily, the number of months with Allaah is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by Allaah on the Day when…

The month of Rajab

The Glorious Quran is full of guidance for all of mankind and for the rest of time, regardless of the age we live in.   We should aim to use this book as a means to acquiring guidance on our…

Best of Charity

Allah SWT has given us roles in this world. Whether it is as a child, a parent, a spouse or in our jobs, we all have responsibilities that we carry out as part of the society in which we live.…