Good Conduct

Islam can be categorized into 4 parts. And those parts are belief, worship, dealings and manners. We know that the most important is the belief, and if this is correct then actions can be correct, but cannot be the other…

The Consequences of Sinning

The imam began this week with referencing the 25th ayat of Sura Al-Anfal which is translated to say: And fear a trial which will not strike those who have wronged among you exclusively, and know that Allah is severe in…

Rights of Children on their Parents

Allah SWT has given children rights over their parents just as the parents have rights over their children.  In the past reminders have been on the rights of parents but with a bigger than average attendance of the youth today,…


Human nature desires a society based on morals and manners which provides a stable and secure life leading to liberty and happiness for all people. Islam is no different as within our teachings of the Prophet SAWS and the lessons…


Allah SWT has mentioned the word ‘hypocrite’  or its meaning 73 times in the Glorious Quran. As Muslims, we need to be conscious of this  and the damage that it can cause. In the current time we are living in, there…

Protecting the Mind

We have been gifted the ability to think, our minds are one of the greatest gifts given to us by Allah SWT, that distinguishes us from animals and beings that do not possess this ability. This though comes with responsibility…


The religion of Islam is a religion of mercy. It is the religion of helping others for the sake of Allah SWT. It is about helping the poor and helping the needy. In Sura Baqarah, ayat 261, Allah SWT says:…


One of the most important foundations of our shariah is justice. Allah SWT sent Prophets and books to humanity to show them the way to happiness in this life, and success in the hereafter.  The scholars of Islam, explain that…


The imam began by referencing the 19th ayat of Sura Imran which is translated to say: Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam Dear brothers and sisters, it is clarified by Allah SWT in the Glorious Quran…

Main Purpose of Religion

The imam began by referencing the 19th ayat of Sura Imran which is translated to say: Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam Dear brothers and sisters, it is clarified by Allah SWT in the Glorious Quran…