Virtues of Dua/Supplication

Performing dua or supplication is our way of communicating directly with Allah SWT. In fact, those who come to Islam often comment that the biggest sign or draw that brings them to Islam is the direct communication we are blessed with. There is no middle man, no other creation that we need to consult, we can simply raise our hands at any time and speak directly to Allah SWT. This in itself is such a big gift we possess.

The imam listed a few of the many virtues of doing dua. This reminder will quickly go through them now.

  1. Prayer is worship
  2. Supplication is the most honorable thing to Allah SWT.

The imam reminded us of the following hadith in which the Prophet SAWS said: “There is nothing more honorable to God Almighty than supplication”.

  • Supplication is a reason to ward off God’s wrath:

In regards to this point, the imam reminded us of the following hadith in which the Prophet SAWS said: “Whoever does not ask God, He will be angry with him

  • The caller is in the company of God:

In regards to this we were told that the Messenger of Allah , may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “God Almighty says: I am as My servant thinks of Me, and I am with him when he calls upon Me.”

Dear brothers and sisters, the virtues of supplication are too many to list in this short reminder but the list mentioned gives us all an idea of what a blessing we have to be able to call upon Allah SWT at any time.

Next, the imam reminded us of the etiqettes of doing dua. These are also listed now so that we can perfect our manners of supplication.

  1. Devotion to Allah SWT. In other words, seeking only Him for help and worship.
  2. To begin with the praise and praise of God, then by sending salaam upon the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and conclude with the salaam also.
  3. Decisiveness in supplication and certainty of the answer. In other words, be precise and specific on what you are asking Allah SWT for.
  4. The presence of the heart in supplication. In other words, be sincere with your duas.
  5. Lowering the voice in supplication between low voice and loudness.
  6. Not to be tempted to rhyme in supplication.
  7. Facing the Qiblah.
  8. Raising the hands in supplication.
  9. Ablution before supplication, if possible.
  10. Non-aggression in supplication.
  11. To invoke Allah by His Beautiful Names and High Attributes. We know he has 99 attributes and in previous reminders we spoke of the importance of knowing these for this purpose.

Alongside this brothers and sisters, it is important to know of the signs that our supplication isn’t being accepted. This is not due to what is being asked necessarily but it is an opportunity for us to look at ourselves and see if there is an action or behaviour that we are doing which is making our duas not accepted. The imam listed some of these and they are:

  1. Eating the forbidden.
  2. Not being definitive in supplication and making supplication dependent on the will, such as saying: O God, forgive me if you wish.
  3. Praying for a sin, injustice, or severing of ties of kinship.
  4. Abandonment of doing good and forbidding evil.
  5. Despair or lack of certainty that the dua will be answered.
  6. The absence of the heart when supplicating.
  7. Urgency in supplication and demands for an answer.
  8. Abuse in supplication, such as supplicating for something impossible, reciting and dictating to God, or raising one’s voice and shouting in supplication.

And lastly, the imam told us of some key times in our every day when it is extra beneficial to ask Allah SWT in dua. These are as follows:

  1.  When the fasting person breaks his fast
  2. Between the call to prayer and the iqaamah
  3. When the rain falls
  4. In the last third of the night
  5. In prostration
  6. In the wake of the obligatory prayers
  7. On travel
  8. In illness.

Dear brothers, dua is not to be stored in a In Case of Emergency box, it is something that should be as part of our lives as breathing and eating. And by performing our acts of worship and making duas integral to our lives, we can be of those mentioned in the ayat as being guided to the right way.

Articles: 371

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