Who are separated from their Lord?

Dear brothers and sisters, we carry on from the previous weeks reminder in which we discussed those who will receive intercession from their Lord and we focus this week on those who will suffer the opposite, i.e. those who are partitioned from their Lord.

The imam referenced the 15th ayat from Sura Al-Mutafifeen which translates to say:

No! Indeed, from their Lord, that Day, they will be partitioned.

Dear brothers and sisters, mankind is not without sin. Even the most pious of us are susceptible to the whisperings of Shaitaan and therefore we are likely to sin. This is where the mercy of Allah SWT is what we aim to seek. However, the sins we commit in our lives vary in degree and severity. Just as all good deeds aren’t equal, it is the same for the sin that we commit. It is the highest severity of sin that we are looking to protect ourselves from as that is likely to result in our separation from Allah SWT.

The biggest of all sins is the first warning in today’s reminder. This is where someone associates partners with Allah SWT. The imam mentioned ayat 77 of Sura Al-Imran in reference to this point. It is translated to say:

Behold, those who barter away their bond with God and their own pledges for a trifling gain – they shall not partake in the blessings of the life to come; and God will neither speak unto them nor look upon them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He cleanse them of their sins; and grievous suffering awaits them.

Dear brothers and sisters, we need to be mindful of this point as it isn’t just about openly associating partners with Allah SWT. We can also be careless on our everyday behaviour that runs the risk of falling foul of this point. An example that come to mind is attributing success to others before Allah SWT or seeking help from others before pleading with Allah SWT.

The next hadith also states habits we should avoid. It is translated to say:

“There are three persons whom Allah will neither talk to nor look at, nor purify from (the sins), and they will have a painful punishment. (They are): (1) A man possessed superfluous water on a way and he withheld it from the travellers. (2) a man who gives a pledge of allegiance to a Muslim ruler and gives it only for worldly gains. If the ruler gives him what he wants, he remains obedient to It, otherwise he does not abide by it, and (3) a man bargains with another man after the Asr prayer and the latter takes a false oath in the name of Allah) claiming that he has been offered so much for the thing and the former (believes him and) buys it.”

Dear brothers and sisters, we can deduce from this hadith that the trait of deception and lying is something that we cannot ever be associated with. We have focused on these in previous reminders but the severity of the sin is illustrated in this hadith.

The next hadith says:

“There are three at whom Allah will not look on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He sanctify them, and theirs will be a painful torment: the one who does not give anything except that he reminds (the recipient of his gift), the one who drags his garment (below the ankles), and the one who sells his product by means of false oaths.”

Dear brothers and sisters, the new point mentioned here is one of the garment dragging below the ankles. It’s worth noting that this is interpreted as those who wear so out of arrogance such as you see in extravagant gowns. Allah SWT knows best.

Another hadith in which the Prophet SAWS warned us on today’s topic is translated to say:

“There are three (types of) people to whom Allah will not speak on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them, nor look at them, and they will have a painful punishment. These are: An aged man who commits illicit acts, a ruler who lies, and a proud poor person.”

Dear brothers and sisters, adultery is forbidden to everybody, whether young or old. But it is more condemnable if an old man commits it, because to be guilty of such a detestable act in old age shows that the adulterer has become hardened in sin and his heart is free from the fear of Allah SWT.

Equally so, lying is forbidden to everybody. But it is particularly vicious in the case of a king or head of state. Since he possesses all powers and resources, he has little reason to tell a lie. Hence, if despite all this he invents a lie, it will expose his vicious mind and lack of God-consciousness.

Similarly, all humans are prohibited from giving vent to pride and arrogance. But if a beggar or destitute, who has no reason to claim dignity and superiority, displays arrogance, it will be a convincing proof of his indifference to the fear of Allah SWT. From this point of view, his arrogance is more abominable and disgusting than that of a wealthy man. Allah SWT knows best.

Then the final hadith mentioned today states:

“There are three at whom Allah will not look on the Day of Resurrection: The one who disobeys his parents, the woman who imitates men in her outward appearance, and the husband of an adulterer.”

Dear brothers and sisters, we know how high the status of our parents is. Here, we see this demonstrated in the hadith. We are also conscious of attire becoming gender-neutral in today’s age. This is also warned of here and finally the husband of the adulterer is mentioned specifically as it bad enough to commit adultery but it is especially shameful for a man who allows his wife to do so.

Dear brothers and sisters, the road to recovery for any of the traits mentioned today begins with the connection back to Allah SWT through remembrance of Him. Whether this be prayer, Quran, good deeds or supplication, we have spoken previously in reminders as to how remembrance of Allah SWT protects us from committing sins such as the one mentioned in the reminder today.

Articles: 371

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