Ramadan Tips

Allah SWT says in Sura Al-Baqara, ayat 183:


O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous


Dear brothers and sisters, the month of Ramadhan is now in full flow, with most of us accustomed to the hunger, thirst, early meals and late prayers.


There is a sense of buzz in this month, both brought on by the scientific benefits of fasting and of course, the spiritual blessings of this given month.


And one of those blessings has been narrated in the following hadith in which our Prophet SAWS said:


When the first night of Ramadhan arrives, the devils and rebellious Jinn are chained, the gates of Hellfire are closed till no gate thereof is open, and the gates of Paradise are opened till no door thereof is closed.


A caller cries out: “O seeker of good, proceed; O seeker of evil, desist.”


Allah saves some people from Hellfire- and that happens every night.


Dear brothers and sisters, this hadith is shedding some light onto the magnificent blessings of this month. Now is the time to really benefit fully from what this month is offering us spiritually.


Last week, we spoke of the SOS our hearts and soul yearn for throughout the year and this month is the reply sent by Allah SWT.


You’ll know that the Quran was brought down and revealed in this blessed month, and fasting and Quran both will intercede for the slave in Judgement day. Therefore, there is no better time to utilise this fact and begin reciting and reflecting on the book of Allah SWT.


It doesn’t matter how little you are able to read Arabic. In fact, greater reward is given to that person who struggles to read as opposed to a fluent reader.


We have the Quran here at the masjid for anyone wanting to start. We also have the Quran online through our website and there are apps for the Quran recitation to be done throughout the day.


For those who are interested, we are even contemplating a beginner’s course for reading Arabic; speak to myself or someone in the masjid if interested.


Dear brothers and sisters, fasting is so magnificent that it has a special attribute to it that no other act has. It was narrated in the Hadith Qudsi, that the prophet SAWS said:


Every action of the son of Adam is multiplied: by ten times to seven hundred times: then Allah (SWT) said: except fasting, which is for me and I will give the reward myself.


Allahu Akbar. Fasting is so praiseworthy in the sight of Allah SWT, that the reward is so extreme and marvelous, that this dunya cannot contain it; the reward can only be given in the next life, and we can only find out what this extraordinary reward is when we meet Allah SWT


So with the rewards so great, and the day so long, is there anything one can do to help themselves successfully fast in this month?


And thus this ends with 4 tips for Healthy Ramadhan fasting:


  1. Don’t skip the pre-dawn meal – They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and in Ramadhan it’s even more important!
  2. Don’t overeat when opening the fast – It will make you sluggish, suffer indigestion and make night prayers harder.
  3. Avoid eating fried, salty or high sugar foods – They may make you feel good in the short run, but you will suffer for it in the following day’s fast.
  4. Drink as much water as possible – Sip water throughout the permissible hours. It will help in the following day’s fast.



Dear brothers and sisters, this is Ramadhan and so let’s make the most of it and use it to replenish our souls and sooth our hearts for the 11 months ahead.


May Allah SWT enable us to appreciate the full blessing of Ramadhan. May Allah SWT enable us to fast in the month of Ramadhan. And may Allah SWT reward us for our efforts in the month of Ramadhan.


Ameen walhamdulilahirabilalameen

Articles: 363

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