Oneness of Allah

Tawheed briefly described is the Oneness of Allah SWT in Divinity, in Worship, in His Names and Attributes.

Belief in the Oneness of Allah SWT is the focal point around which the religion of Islam revolves.

Submission to Allah SWT alone and the dedication of worship to Him alone, elevates the believers’ character and mind. It saves him from a heart that wanders astray, from desires that become corrupted, and from the darkness of ignorance.

Allah SWT says in Ayat 165 of Sura Al-Baqara:

And [yet], among the people are those who take other than Allah as equals [to Him]. They love them as they [should] love Allah . But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah . And if only they who have wronged would consider [that] when they see the punishment, [they will be certain] that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment.

To love Allah SWT is a duty for us all. The reasons to love Allah SWT is all around us. Take time out to ponder all that He has blessed each and every one of us with. Our health, our freedom, our family and our wealth. We have so much to be thankful for and so much to love Him for.

Equally so, only Allah SWT can protect us from troubles or pain that we may be going through. Only He is worthy of our pleas.

By avoiding associating any partners with Allah SWT, we are able to grasp the reality of the life that we have been given. It is to take all our experiences, good and bad, as a means to return to the one and only worthy of return, Allah SWT.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, advised the companions on the following supplication to perform before sleep and it emphasises todays topic completely:

O Allah,1 I submit myself to You, entrust my affairs to You, turn my face to You, and lay myself down depending upon You , hoping in You and fearing You . There is no refuge , and no escape, except to You. I believe in Your Book (the Qur’an) that You revealed, and the Prophet whom You sent

We can sometimes fall into the bad habit of forgetting Allah SWT in times of hardship and instead begin to despair but this is not the correct way a muslim should behave.

What we sometimes don’t realize is that a person may feel hardship or pain but not know the good that may come of it. Only Allah SWT is knowledgeable of this and it is vital we remember that and Him in such times.

Allah SWT has told us He will test us in life to see if the person displays patience, humility and return to Him through worship. Allah SWT has told us He wants us to constantly return to Him with sincerity in repentance and to Him alone.

In Sura Saad, ayat 41-44, Allah SWT details to us the manner in which we must be toward Him:

“And remember our servant Job, when he called to his Lord, “Indeed Satan has touched me with hardship and torment.”

So he was told, “Strike the ground with your foot; this is a spring for a cool bath and drink.

And We granted him and his family and a like number with them, mercy from Us and a reminder to those of Understanding.

We said “And take in your hand a bunch of grass and strike with it and do not break your oath.” Indeed we found him patient, an excellent servant. Indeed he was one repeatedly turning back to Allah.

These ayats demonstrate the manner in which a servant of Allah SWT should be in times of hardship. We need to strive to turn to Allah SWT in both times of hardship and in times of happiness and blessings.

Above all else though, we need to sincerely testify with our hearts that it is only Allah SWT that we turn to. Nobody else is worthy of our gratitude and nobody else is worthy of our prayer.

The Oneness of Allah SWT comes by the realisation that whatever we may be experiencing in our lives comes from Him. It is the belief that only He has the power to change it and only He is the one who we must thank for it.

Understanding the Oneness of Allah SWT is the most important thing for us to grasp. For if we learn how to trust and worship Allah SWT with sincerity, then and only then, will we escape from the slavery and captivity of this life.

May Allah SWT develop the love for Him in our hearts. May Allah SWT develop the resolute affirmation of the oneness of Allah SWT in our hearts. May Allah SWT give us the ability to demonstrate this in our actions and our worship.

Articles: 371

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